Orchid Stamps
Orchids have been depicted on postage stamps from almost every region of the world. Some 233 issuing authorities have printed orchid stamps.
The American Topical Association (ATA) is a US-based philatelic society, and the largest organization devoted to topical stamp collecting. It was established in 1949, and currently serves members in over 60 countries. Topical stamp collecting is devoted to collecting stamps on a particular topic; this includes orchids. The ATA publishes lists of stamps in categories such as trains, animals, etc. and lists how many stamps are in each category. Approximately a quarter of all plant stamps depict an orchid. When this article was written, there were 4976 orchid stamps, and the number is growing annually. Roses and lilies are distant runners-up. Over 2000 species or hybrids are represented.
The Project
The OSPF thought it would be fun to try and collect as many orchid stamps as it could and incorporate them into displays. We wanted to link the stamps to an orchid from our collection. The display would provide information about distribution, ethnobotanical uses , current status on the endangered species listings, and any other unique aspects of the plant. Amsellia africana flowered in time for the local orchid show in Edmonton one year, and the OSPF was able to exhibit two stamps showing that orchid as part of their display.
Project Status
The OSPF has approximately 130 stamps, so there is a long way to go.
Supporting the Project
Any support you can give to the project either by sending any orchid stamp you come across, or providing a donation for the OSPF to purchase additional stamps would be gratefully received.
Here are a few of the stamp donations the OSPF has already received: