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Orchid Resource Centre (ORC)

SATURDAY – 12 noon to 3pm

Wenqing Perner

Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology, Ltd.

Her company is trying to preserve their native orchids.  She will talking on the following topics:

Orchid conservation in China – in situ and ex situ

An overview over my work with orchids in China

Hengduan Biotech Ltd. – who we are and what we do

A introduction to our company, a German nursery and orchid lab registered in Sichuan province, China, specialized in slipper orchids, but working on a much wider range of orchids as well as other plants.

 Cypripedium Mass-Propagation as a potent Conservation Tool

For more than a century cypripedium populations in the wild were depleted by commercial collectors, leading to a considerable loss of populations and local extinction. In the late 20th century pioneers of cypripedium in-vitro propagation have devised feasible ways of laboratory mass-propagation that today can be used on an industrial scale. The talk gives a brief overview of the genus Cypripedium, explains in detail its propagation from seed and introduces some of the most important pioneers in the field.

presented by the Orchid Species Preservation Foundation

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