Dendrobium anosmum ‘alba’ 4557                photo by Doug Bovee

Dendrobium anosmum ‘alba’ is a hot to cool growing orchid that needs a distinct dry period starting in October until the new leads appear sometime in the early spring.  It blooms in the spring with 8 to 10 flowers which arise from the nodes all along the apec of the leafless cane and are held close in, it is quite scented and needs to be mounted on tree fern or a plaque of cork to accommodate the pendant canes.  When the new growths appear in the late spring it is time to water and fertilize this plant heavily as it will grow up to 3′ long by October when it is time to dry it out again.

It is a native to Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua and New Guinea.